1 Ocak 2013 Salı

An Example of Daily Lesson Plan

1.      Surname, Name:                                                                             Date:

2.      School:

3.      Grade Level: 10th  Grade

4.      Unit: Electricity

5.      Chapter: Electric charges

6.      Topic: Properties of electric charges

7.      Topical outline:

·        Charging by gaining and loosing electrons

-         Attraction of the balloon
-         Attraction of the straw
-         Bending water with a straw
-         Dancing fleas
-         Basic electroscope

8.      Link:

Yesterday, we ended the ‘Force and Motion’ unit and solved some problems.

Today, we will see that the matters can charge by gaining or losing electrons.   
Tomorrow, we will see the charge distribution of charged objects and electric force.

9.      Timing:

In this course there is no time reserve for repetition of previous lecture because in previous course some problems are solved. Therefore course will open with new unit.

Total: (45 minutes)

-         Introduction to new unit. (0.5 minute)
-         Showing a video and talk about it.  (5 minutes)
-         Make groups and distribute the activity sheets to groups. (0.5 minute)
-         Doing activities and controlling the students while they do demos. (10 minutes)
-         Distribute evaluation sheets about group performance. (1 minute)
-         Let students to explain what they have done. (10 minutes)
-         Explain briefly the students’ results. (3 minutes)
-         Give the concept effectively and talk about similar examples. (10 minutes)
-         Make a quiz (5 minutes)

10.  Prerequisite specific objectives:

- Students are able to describe charging styles. (Comprehension level)

- Students are able to describe what the notr atom is and how can it charged.
  (Comprehension level)

11.  General objectives:

- Students will know the terms about the topic. (Knowledge level)

- Students will comprehend the basic concepts about the topic. (Comprehension level)

- Students will apply what they learned in new or different situations. (Application level)

- Students will interpret the relationships due to results of activities. (Synthesis level)

12.  Specific objectives :

Students discover that matters can be charged by gaining and loosing electrons.
(Synthesis level)

13.  Instructional materials, technologies and media:

For instruction:

·        A video: We will show this as a starting point of course.

·        PowerPoint Presentation (15 slides):  We will show PowerPoint slides from projector to make easier students to follow the lecture flow.

·        Activity Sheets: We will deliver this paper when students will start to activity.

  • Quiz sheets: We will deliver this paper just after the course ended.

·        Evaluation sheets: We will deliver this paper after we finished the lesson.

14.  Teaching strategy:

We found “inquiry based learning” method appropriate for this lecture. Inquiry-based learning is a student-centered and teacher-guided instructional approach that engages students in investigating real world questions that they choose within a broad thematic framework. Inquiry-Based learning complements traditional instruction by providing a vehicle for extending and applying the learning of students in a way that connects with their interests within a broader thematic framework. Students acquire and analyze information, develop and support propositions, provide solutions, and design technology and arts products that demonstrate their thinking and make their learning visible.

15.  Steps which will be followed during lecture:

a)      Introduction to new unit.

In this part we will give an introduction to the electricity unit and talk about the previous knowledge of students related to electricity.

b)      Showing a video and talk about it. 

In order to attract students’ attention we will show a video which related to the static electricity. Then we will discuss the reasons of the situation in the video.

c)      Make groups and distribute the activity sheets to groups. Doing activities and controlling the students while they do demos.

After discussing video, we will distribute the activity sheets to students and give them enough  time for doing the activities and answer the questions in this sheets. There are four different activities and groups could be formed by 3 to 5 students. While students do the demos, we will control and help them about their faults.

d)      Distribute evaluation sheets about group performance.

After all groups finish their activities we will distribute evaluation sheets and ask them to answer in 1 minute.

e)      Let students to explain what they have done.

After collecting evaluation sheets, we will let students to explain what they have done in each activity. Every group will choose a talker for their group and these students will explain groups’ ideas.

f)       Explain briefly the students’ results.

After students finis their explanations, we will briefly explain their results and if there will a wrong thing in their explanations we will correct them.

g)      Give the concept effectively. Talk about similar examples.

We will again talk about the concept and give effective explanations again. After giving concept, we will talk about two similar examples with the help of the slides.

h)     Make a quiz.

At the end of the course we will distribute a quiz.

16.  Evaluation:

- Evaluation sheet about group performance:

It involves 1 minute at the end of activity where the students write down answers on a ``1 minute paper'' to a few questions as feedback to the instructor. The questions are as following:

·                     Did everyone in the group participate?

·                     Did the group stay on task?

·                     Did an individual dominate the group?

·                     What was the most important idea you learned today?

·                     What is one idea you are still confused about?

- Quiz:

At the end of the course students do this 5 minutes quiz which includes questions as following:
1)      Give one example to electrify with impact, friction and interference.
2)      In the activity of bending water with a straw, what was the reason that the pvc pipe draw the running water?

17.  Teacher role:

- The teacher reflects on the purpose and makes plans for inquiry learning. Teacher:
  • Plans ways for each learner to be actively engaged in the learning process.
  • Understands the necessary skills, knowledge, and habits of mind needed for inquiry learning.
  • Understands and plans ways to encourage and enable the learner to take increasing responsibility for his learning.
  • Insures that classroom learning is focused on relevant and applicable outcomes.
  • Is prepared for unexpected questions or suggestions from the learner.
  • Prepares the classroom environment with the necessary learning tools, materials, and resources for active involvement of the learner.
- The teacher facilitates classroom learning.

      ·    The teacher's daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly facilitation plans focus on setting   
            content learning in a conceptual framework. They also stress skill development and   
            model and nurture the development of habits of mind.

- Teacher:

      ·    Accepts that teaching is also a learning process.
      ·    Asks questions, encouraging divergent thinking that leads to more questions.
      ·    Values and encourages responses and, when these responses convey misconceptions,  
            effectively explores the causes and appropriately guides the learner.
      ·    Is constantly alert to learning obstacles and guides learners when necessary.
      ·    Asks many ‘Why? How do you know? What is the evidence?’ type of questions.
      ·    Makes student assessment an ongoing part of the facilitation of the learning process.

18.  Students’ role:

- Students view themselves as learners in the process of learning.
  • They look forward to learning.
  • They demonstrate a desire to learn more.
  • They seek to collaborate and work cooperatively with teacher and peers.
  • They are more confident in learning, demonstrate a willingness to modify ideas and take calculated risks, and display appropriate skepticism.
- Students accept an "invitation to learn" and willingly engage in an exploration process.
  • They exhibit curiosity and ponder observations.
  • They move around, selecting and using the materials they need.
  • They confer with classmates and teacher about observations and questions.
  • They try out some of their own ideas.
- Students raise questions, propose explanations, and use observations.
  • They ask questions (verbally and through actions).
  • They use questions that lead them to activities generating further questions or ideas.
  • They observe critically, as opposed to casually looking or listening.
  • They value and apply questions as an important part of learning.
  • They make connections to previous ideas.
- Students plan and carry out learning activities.
  • They design ways to try out their ideas, not always expecting to be told what to do.
  • They plan ways to verify, extend, confirm, or discard ideas.
  • They carry out activities by: using materials, observing, evaluating, and recording information.
  • They sort out information and decide what is important.
  • They see detail, detect sequences and events, notice change, and detect differences and similarities.
- Students communicate using a variety of methods.
  • They express ideas in a variety of ways, including journals, drawing, reports, graphing, and so forth.
  • They listen, speak, and write about learning activities with parents, teacher, and peers.
  • They use the language of learning, apply the skills of processing information, and develop their own "ground rules" appropriate for the discipline.
- Students critique their learning practices.
  • They use indicators to assess their own work.
  • They recognize and report their strengths and weaknesses.
  • They reflect on their learning with their teacher and their peers.

19.  Next lecture:

In our next lecture we will talk about charge distribution of charged objects and electric force.

20.  References:

—Hewitt, P. G. (2006). Conceptual Physics (10th ed.). San Francisco: Pearson Addison Wesley.
—Kalyoncu, C., Tütüncü, A., Değirmenci, A., Çakmak, Y., & Bektaş, E. (2008). Ortaöğretim Fizik 9 Ders Kitabı. Istanbul: MEB.
—Tsokos, K. A. (2008). Physics for IB Diploma (Fifth ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

- For activities:

Activity – 1

Attraction of the Balloon and Attraction of the Straw

a) Attraction of the Balloon
Materials: A balloon, a paper handkerchief, a wall.
i)        Inflate a balloon.
j)        Rub the top of the balloon with a paper handkerchief.
k)     Push it delicately to the ceiling.
1)      What did you observe?
2)      What is the reason?
b-1) Attraction of the straw
      Materials: A straw, a paper handkerchief, small bits of paper.

- Rub a straw with a paper handkerchief.

- Draw it near small bits of paper or aluminum foil lying on an insulating table.
3)      What did you observe?
4)      What is the reason?
b-2) Attraction of the straw

Try same things with a book this time.
Rub a straw with a paper handkerchief and draw it near to a book’s paper.
5)      What did you observe?
6)      What is the reason?

Activity – 2
Bending water with a straw
      Materials: A straw, a plastic cup that has a small hole at the bottom of it, water.
     1.    One of the tester hold the cup.
     2.    Other tester fill the cup with water.
     3.    Charge the straw with hair.
     4.    Bring the straw close to the stream of water.
1)      What did you observe?
2)      What is the reason?
Activity -3 

Dancing fleas:

       Materials: Plexiglas sheet, a piece of wool, paper squares.


- Put paper squares on the table.

- Put Plexiglas on paper squares.

- Rub the top of the Plexiglas.

1)      What did you observe?
2)      What is the reason?


Activity – 4

Basic electroscope

     Materials: An electroscope, a pvc pipe or  a balloon, a wool.


         - Inflate a balloon.

         - Rub the balloon or pvc pipe with wool.

         - Draw the balloon near the electroscope.

         - Do the same thing but this time make balloon and electroscope in contact.

1)      What did you observe?
2)      What is the reason?

3)      When balloon and electroscope in contact, what happens?


Evaluation of group


Group name:

·                     Did everyone in the group participate?

·                     Did the group stay on task?

·                     Did an individual dominate the group?

·                     What was the most important idea you learned today?

·                     What is one idea you are still confused about?



      1) Give one example to charging by friction, contact and induction.

2) In the activity of bending water with a straw, what was the reason that the pvc pipe draw the running water?

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