Grade Level: 10th Grade Unit:
Chapter: Electric Charges Topic: Properties of Electric Charges
Objective: Students discover that matters can be charged by
gaining and loosing electrons.
only charge of charged object is that it was charged.
neutral object has any charge.
Main Questions:
characteristics does an object have for that it is charged?
characteristics does an object have for that it is neutral?
Other Questions:
there only negative charges in a negative charged particle?
Are there
only positive charges in a positive charged particle?
there any charges in neutral objects?
Remembering of previous knowledge: Positive charges can not move because
positive charges mean protons in the atom, but negative ones can move.
Anomalous Data:
students make a small experiment to see the truth on their own by following the
steps given.
Students’ thought style: ‘Positively charged electroscope’s leaves become
closer when we approached the negatively
charged rub near to electroscope’s knob because positive charges move from
leaves to knob because of the attraction force. Then, electroscope’s leaves come
more closer because of the same reason. Leaves became far again because maybe
the charges in the rob neutralize in some amount because of our body and
positive charges go to leaves again.’
this explanation of students, we ask ‘why?’ questions below and again
remembered the previous knowledge pointed above. At the final, teacher gives
the scientific explanation.
ü Rub a straw and then load the electroscope
by induction. Next, when you draw near the same straw, the leaves begin by
falling down. WHY?
ü Bring the
straw nearer to the plate. The leaves then diverge. WHY?
Charged by
induction with a negative straw the electroscope has become positive (fig. 9).
See the experiment called charging by induction. The negative straw will
attract positive charges on the plate and repel more negative charges toward
the leaves more it is near. Therefore,
leaves falling down (fig. 12) because they are less positive ;
leaves in close contact (fig. 13) when they are neutral ;
Then the
leaves repelling again (fig. 14) when they become negative.
charged objects have not only charges that is the same as that they have. Only
thing is that the number of same kind of
charge that they have is over. Neutral
objects have both negative and positive charges in same number. Otherwise, if that was true, when the negative
charged particle bring closer to positive charged electroscope, firstly, leaves
of the electroscope gets closer to each other than,slowly they closed, consequently
it can not be charged negatively because there was no any contact between
electrification object and electroscope.
Giving Concept:
Teaching strategy:
We found “inquiry based learning” method appropriate for this lecture.
Inquiry-based learning is a student-centered and teacher-guided instructional
approach that engages students in investigating real world questions that they
choose within a broad thematic framework. Inquiry-Based learning complements
traditional instruction by providing a vehicle for extending and applying the
learning of students in a way that connects with their interests within a
broader thematic framework. Students acquire and analyze information, develop
and support propositions, provide solutions, and design technology and arts
products that demonstrate their thinking and make their learning visible.
2. Steps which will be followed during lecture:
a) ‘Cognitive conflict.’
In order to overcome
students’ misconceptions and make conceptual change; we will make students to
do a mini experiment to see anomalous data. Then we will discuss the reasons of
the situation in the experiment.
b) Make
groups and distribute the other activity sheets related to topic and the
objective chosen. Doing activities and controlling the students while they do
After discussing
video, we will distribute the activity sheets to students and give them
enough time for doing the activities and
answer the questions in this sheets. There are three different activities and
groups could be formed by 3 to 5 students. While students do the demos, we will
control and help them about their faults.
c) Let
students to explain what they have done.
After collecting
evaluation sheets, we will let students to explain what they have done in each
activity. Every group will choose a talker for their group and these students
will explain groups’ ideas.
d) Explain
briefly the students’ results.
After students
finis their explanations, we will briefly explain their results and if there
will a wrong thing in their explanations we will correct them.
e) Give
the concept effectively. Talk about similar examples.
We will again talk
about the concept and give effective explanations again. After giving concept,
we will talk about two similar examples with the help of the slides.
Activity –
1- Attraction of the Balloon
Materials: A balloon, a paper handkerchief, a wall.
Procedure: Inflate a balloon.
Rub the top of the balloon with a paper handkerchief. Push it delicately to the ceiling.
Questions: What did you observe? What is the reason?
Activity –
2- Bending water with a straw
Materials: A straw,
a plastic cup that has a small hole at the bottom of it, water.
Procedure: One of the testers holds the cup. Other tester
fills the cup with water. Charge the straw with hair. Bring the straw close to
the stream of water.
Questions: What did you observe? What is the reason?
Activity -3- Dancing fleas
Materials: Plexiglas sheet,
a piece of wool, paper squares.
Procedure: Put paper squares
on the table. Put Plexiglas on paper squares. Rub the top of
the Plexiglas.
Questions: What did you observe? What is the reason?
—Kalyoncu, C., Tütüncü, A., Değirmenci, A.,
Çakmak, Y., & Bektaş, E. (2008). Ortaöğretim Fizik 9 Ders Kitabı. Istanbul: MEB.
—Tsokos, K. A. (2008). Physics for IB
Diploma (Fifth ed.). Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
—Mausian, M., (n.d) , Attracted balloon , Retrieved December 20 , 2012,from University of Nantes, Electrostatic Experiment web site:
—Ben Franklin's Secret Message (2006), Retrieved from
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