17 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba

511- problem scenario writing

Nilgün ÖZTÜRK / PHED / Assignment – 2


DURATION: Two course hours; one hour for first part and 1 hour for second part of the situation.

OBJECTIVES: 1.1 , 1.2 and 1.3.
‘Referring to one dimensional motion students; 
1.1  Realize that the motion is a relative phenomenon.
1.2  Clarify position, displacement and velocity notions.
1.3  Draw and interpret position versus time and velocity versus time graphs for regular linear motion.’ (Fizik Öğretmeni, 2009)                          

Elif is an intelligent, hardworking and compatible student. Her father has made a promise; if she pass successfully, he will take away her to seaside holiday.  Elif worked hard in that school term and passed. Therefore her father decided to take away her to Antalya from Ankara.

First part:
1-A) That morning, they start off early. Elif is very exited. On the road, they listen music and have a chat. Just at that moment, they see red light onwards. They stop and another car stop beside their car. Elif suddenly suppose that they go backward and she is frightened because there is another car at the back, too. Afterwards she understand that the car besides them go forward, not their car.
Why does Elif scare? What is the meaning of this situation?
Give one other example which resemble this situation.
1-B) After some time they start to climb high mountains with bend roads. After approximately one hour Elif look surroundings and be surprised because before one hour she saw a huge minaret and now, after one hour, she still see the same minaret!
Why Elif see the minaret still? What is the physical meaning of this situation?
(Hint: Think about position and displacement concepts in physical meaning.)

Second part:
2-A) After sometime, the ridgeway finishes. Elif’s father drive their car more comfortable because there is no bend roads or no danger in this road. Therefore she feels as if their velocity is same all the time because her father don’t slow down or speed up.
The motion in this situation is what type of motion? What do you kow about this motion already? (Hint: Think about speed and velocity.)
2-B) Could you draw the ‘position versus time’ and ‘velocity versus time’ graphs of Elif’s car for the part of the road in which the ridgeway finishes. (For the comfortable part in other words)

Course will start with the situation above. Firstly students will work on the 1-A. They will make brain storm and research for ten minutes. (Assume that every student has their own ipad or etc.) After that I will see their improvements and give feedback. After another ten minutes students have their answer rough and ready and we can go 1-B. I will give students again ten minutes and at the end of the period I will check their results. In this part I will give them some hints in order to sum up the direction of the situation. (I will say them to make research about position and displacement.) At the end of this part of the situation I will get the answers from students and by emphasizing the basis concept I put together all their results systematically. In this part the difference between displacement and path is important, in order to prevent this difference return to a misconception; I will emphasize their differences principally.
In second part I will give them about 15-20 minutes for making research on 2-A. After that we use the steps above again. However, in this part the difference between speed and velocity is important, in order to prevent this difference return to misconception; I will emphasize their differences principally. Then students make their researches and brainstorms on 2-B. It takes about 10 minutes and after that I will draw the graphs and explain the meanings of them again for emhasizing the important points. Finally, I will conclude the situation with the students.

During the couse, I will carefully observe the students. The most important part of my evaluatıon is that. (About %60). At the end of the course, if I have time, I will ask questions orally for some students. I can also make quizzes every week on previous course, so it is also an evaluation. However this could make students stressful. Therefore the second important part of my evaluation after my observation is ‘reports’. (About %40)  Students can write some reports about this course, what they learned, how is the course and the group, etc.


  • Kalyoncu, C. , & Tütüncü, A. (2011). Orta Öğretim Fizik 9. Ankara: MEB

  • Fizik Öğretmeni. (2009). Aylık Online Fizik Dergisi. Retrieved from: http://www.fizikogretmeni.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/k9.pdf

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