27 Ekim 2012 Cumartesi

satranç kaybetsin istiyorum

Kime benzememeye çalışsam, hayatın bir köşesinde bir yerde, kendimde ondan bir parça buluyorum.

Hedef mantık çerçevesinde mutluluk arayışı diye direttikçe, kendimi mutsuz olacağım gerçekleri kurcalarken buluyorum.

Oysa ikisi de çok saçma. Birilerine benzememeye çalışmak da tıpkı benzemeye çalışmak kadar gereksiz ve köreltici. Mantık çerçevesinde mutlu olmaya çalışmak diye bir dünyanın var olmadığını ergenlik öncesi çocuklar bile biliyor artık.

Öğrendiğimde mutsuz olacağım gerçekleri kurcalama meselesine gelince, bu kendimi bildim bileli engel olamadığım en berbat yönüm. Engel olduğum durumlarda ise o gerçekler hep gelip önüme döküldü, serçe parmağımı bile oynatmamışken hemde.. Bu belki de biraz kader meselesi. Eskiden acıdan hoşlandığıma dair şüphelerim vardı ve bu durumu ciddi ciddi düşünüp kendimi uzak tutmaya çalıştıkça daha çok saplandım acıya. Çünkü ben ondan hoşlanmamayı seçsem de sanırım o benden hoşlanmaktan hiç bir zaman vazgeçmedi. Benim sadık yarim yüreğe binlerce iğne batıran ama öldürmeyen o acılar. :)

Belkide tüm bunların sebebi, çok mutlu bir anda sorduğun bir soruya istediğin cevabı alamamış olmak. Ve belki de o cevaptan kendi isteğinle feragat etmen. Senin için öyle değilse bile benim için öyle, en azından bu gecelik. :) O cevabı alsaydın, ya da sen cevabı beklerken seni vazgeçirecek o sessizlik oluşmamış olsaydı, kucağına düşen gerçek, seni üzemeyecekti ve sen gülümsemeye devam edecektin. Yazık ki öyle olmadı ve sen bunları yazıyorsun, yani ben :)

Belki bir programda izledim ya da bir kitapta okudum, emin olamıyorum, ki zaten lisedeki edebiyat hocam bir bilginin kaynağını hatırlayamıyorsanız o bilgi artık sizindir derdi. :) Hatırladığım şey mantık, mantıksız davranış ve aşkın birbiriyle ‘olumlu’ alakasıyla ilgili. Satranç oynayan bir çift düşünün. Erkek kadının atını alması gereken bir hamle yapmak üzere ve kadın o atı çok seviyorum lütfen alma diyor. :) Erkek başka bir hamle de yapabilir ama atı alması çok daha avantajlı; yine de atı almıyor. Bunun adına aşk diyorlar. Mantıksız davranıyor, belki oyunu kazanacağını kesinleştirecek o hamleden vazgeçti ve belki de bu onun kaybetmesine bile sebep olabilir ama kadını kazandı. Aslında burda satranç kaybetti, aşk kazandı :)

Tek bir cümle: Her zaman olmasa da; arada sırada satranç kaybetsin istiyorum.


25 Ekim 2012 Perşembe

bu :)

Bugün çok güzel bir gündü.
Bu güzellik bayramın ilk günü olmasından ileri gelen bir şey değil bence.
Bu sadece hasretin sona ermesi ve durmaksızın gülebilecek derecede mutlu hissedebilmekle alakalı.

Hasretler, ne kadar zaman sonra kavuşunca yüreğin hatrı sayılır bir biçimde kanatlanmasını sağlar. Aylar, yıllar, mevsimler.. Ya da sadece bir kaç gün? :) Bahsettiğim şey 'seni gittiğin an özledim' gibi abartılı ve artık biraz naftalinli laflardan akan anlamı içermiyor.  
Bu tam anlamıyla özlemek ve hasretin hastalıklı hüznünden arınmış bir 'özlemek'.  
Bu gerçek olan özlem. Olması gereken yani.  
Bunu tam dozunda yaşadığında, durmaksızın gülebiliyorsun işte. Çünkü hem basit bir gülümsemeden fazlasını hem de abartısız bir mutluluğu 'gerçekten' kalbinde taşıyabiliyorsun o zaman. Kalbiden pompalanışını ve damarlarından akıp vücudunun her bir köşesine eşit miktarda yayılışını hissedebildiğine yemin edebileceğin kadar gerçekçi bir mutlululuk oluyor bu. :)

Sorumluluklarını ve sorunlarını unutuyorsun. Rafa kalkmak bir yana, hafızandan kazınıyorlar sanki. Nasıl anlatsam? Hani görmüşsünüzdür, bir kadın ve bir adam el ele gezerler, yaşları , statüleri, tarzları yok olmuştur; onlar sadece gülerler :) İşte bugün ben bu kadındım. :)
Hiç kimseden utanmadım. Hiç sınır koymadım. Yüksek sesle güldüm. Hiç durmadan konuştum. Düşünmeden konuştum, içimden geldiği gibi; her şey hakkında ya da hiçbirşeydi ama umrumda değildi. Konuşmadığım her an dinledim. Tek bir kelimeyi bile kaçırmadan dinledim. Konuşmadığımda dinliyordum ve dinlemediğimde konuşuyordum ama gülmediğim bir an bile olmadı. :) Zıpladım, sarıldım, sekerek yürüdüm, öptüm, kendimi rahat bıraktım. En güzeli de bu ruh halini planlamamış olmak. Hayatım boyunca hiç bir gün hissettiklerim bugün kadar gerçek gelmemiştir herhalde.  
Bu tamamen özlemekle alakalı.  
Bu tamamen sevmekle alakalı ve tabii sevilmek.  
Bu tamamen kimi sevdiğinle ve kim olduğunla alakalı.  
Bu tamamen dürüstlüğünle alakalı.  
Bu tamamen bunu haketmemle alakalı :))))

Bu 'budur' ve bu yazı burda bitti :)


17 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba

511- problem scenario writing

Nilgün ÖZTÜRK / PHED / Assignment – 2


DURATION: Two course hours; one hour for first part and 1 hour for second part of the situation.

OBJECTIVES: 1.1 , 1.2 and 1.3.
‘Referring to one dimensional motion students; 
1.1  Realize that the motion is a relative phenomenon.
1.2  Clarify position, displacement and velocity notions.
1.3  Draw and interpret position versus time and velocity versus time graphs for regular linear motion.’ (Fizik Öğretmeni, 2009)                          

Elif is an intelligent, hardworking and compatible student. Her father has made a promise; if she pass successfully, he will take away her to seaside holiday.  Elif worked hard in that school term and passed. Therefore her father decided to take away her to Antalya from Ankara.

First part:
1-A) That morning, they start off early. Elif is very exited. On the road, they listen music and have a chat. Just at that moment, they see red light onwards. They stop and another car stop beside their car. Elif suddenly suppose that they go backward and she is frightened because there is another car at the back, too. Afterwards she understand that the car besides them go forward, not their car.
Why does Elif scare? What is the meaning of this situation?
Give one other example which resemble this situation.
1-B) After some time they start to climb high mountains with bend roads. After approximately one hour Elif look surroundings and be surprised because before one hour she saw a huge minaret and now, after one hour, she still see the same minaret!
Why Elif see the minaret still? What is the physical meaning of this situation?
(Hint: Think about position and displacement concepts in physical meaning.)

Second part:
2-A) After sometime, the ridgeway finishes. Elif’s father drive their car more comfortable because there is no bend roads or no danger in this road. Therefore she feels as if their velocity is same all the time because her father don’t slow down or speed up.
The motion in this situation is what type of motion? What do you kow about this motion already? (Hint: Think about speed and velocity.)
2-B) Could you draw the ‘position versus time’ and ‘velocity versus time’ graphs of Elif’s car for the part of the road in which the ridgeway finishes. (For the comfortable part in other words)

Course will start with the situation above. Firstly students will work on the 1-A. They will make brain storm and research for ten minutes. (Assume that every student has their own ipad or etc.) After that I will see their improvements and give feedback. After another ten minutes students have their answer rough and ready and we can go 1-B. I will give students again ten minutes and at the end of the period I will check their results. In this part I will give them some hints in order to sum up the direction of the situation. (I will say them to make research about position and displacement.) At the end of this part of the situation I will get the answers from students and by emphasizing the basis concept I put together all their results systematically. In this part the difference between displacement and path is important, in order to prevent this difference return to a misconception; I will emphasize their differences principally.
In second part I will give them about 15-20 minutes for making research on 2-A. After that we use the steps above again. However, in this part the difference between speed and velocity is important, in order to prevent this difference return to misconception; I will emphasize their differences principally. Then students make their researches and brainstorms on 2-B. It takes about 10 minutes and after that I will draw the graphs and explain the meanings of them again for emhasizing the important points. Finally, I will conclude the situation with the students.

During the couse, I will carefully observe the students. The most important part of my evaluatıon is that. (About %60). At the end of the course, if I have time, I will ask questions orally for some students. I can also make quizzes every week on previous course, so it is also an evaluation. However this could make students stressful. Therefore the second important part of my evaluation after my observation is ‘reports’. (About %40)  Students can write some reports about this course, what they learned, how is the course and the group, etc.


  • Kalyoncu, C. , & Tütüncü, A. (2011). Orta Öğretim Fizik 9. Ankara: MEB

  • Fizik Öğretmeni. (2009). Aylık Online Fizik Dergisi. Retrieved from: http://www.fizikogretmeni.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/k9.pdf

15 Ekim 2012 Pazartesi

ben seni

Ben seni dün kaybettim.
Dün, ondan önceki gün ve ondan önceki..
Ben seni yarın kaybettim.
Yarın, daha sonraki ve ondan sonraki..

Ben seni zamanın kucağında,
Daha ilk sarıldığım gün kaybettim.

Bundandır ki senle geçen her an,
Esasında armağan.


12 Ekim 2012 Cuma

511-problem solving strategy


Nilgün ÖZTÜRK /PHED / Assignment – 1

‘Just before finals you decide to visit an amusement park set up in the Metrodome. Since it is a weekend, you invite your favorite niece along. She loves to ride on a Ferris wheel, and there is one at the amusement park. The Ferris wheel has seats on the rim of a circle with a radius of 25 m. The Ferris wheel rotates at a constant speed and makes one complete revolution every 20 seconds. While you wait, your niece who has a mass of 42 kg, rides the Ferris wheel. To kill time you decide to calculate the total force (both magnitude and direction) on her when she is one quarter revolution past the highest point. Because the Ferris wheel can be run at different speeds, you also decide to make a graph which gives the magnitude of the force on her at that point as a function of the period of the Ferris wheel.’

Construct a mental image
Described objects – Ferris wheel
Initial situation – It is not important for this problem.
Final situation – Quarter revolution past the highest point.
How do the objects move or change? – Ferris wheel rotates at a constant speed.
Interactions between the objects? – Forces between niece and the seat of the ferris wheel.
Sketch a picture
Are all the important objects, times, motions and interactions shown in the sketch?
– Yes.

Determine the question
A) What is the total force in both magnitude and direction on niece when she is one quarter revolution past the highest point?
B) Make a force versus period graph for the Ferris wheel.

Summarize useful given information
What information do we really need? – We need m of niece, r of Ferris wheel, period, acceleration due to gravity.
What information don’t we need? – We need all information given in the problem to solve it.
Is there any information we can reasonably infer? – No

Select a qualitative approach for describing the motion and interactions of objects
Which physics principles could be used in solving this problem?
Vertical Circular Motion ; Weight and Normal Force, No Radial Force Components.
Are there any special conditions required in order to use these principles?
– No
Is all the necessary information given to use this approach?
– Yes.
Would it be useful to break the problem into two or more simpler sub-problems?
– Net force is one part and the sketching a graph is another.


Construct motion diagrams to show important space and time relationships of each object.
What coordinate axes are useful?
– X horizontal
Are other diagrams necessary?
– Yes for more detailed vector components of F.

Assign specific symbols to the variables in diagrams and defined the variables, specifying knowns and unknowns .                 

Declare target variable
Which of the unknowns must be determined to answer the question? – Q must be determined and the speed of the niece must be determined.

State general quantitative principles and relations
What general relationships hold between the variables described in the diagrams?
      Fcos(Q) = m v2/r and Fsin(Q) = mg
During what time intervals do these relationships hold?
      When she is one quarter revolution past the highest point.


Construct specific equations:

v = 2πr / T find v.

Fcos(Q) = m v2/r
Fsin(Q) = mg
By using these equations find Q.

F = √[(mg)² +(mv² / r)²] find F.

Checked for sufficiency.  It’s o.k.


The niece’s velocity is; v = 2 π r / T
                                          = 2 π 25m / 20s
                                          = (3,14) × (2,5) m/s =  7,85 m/s = v
= × (25 m) / (7,85m/s)²
88,2 º
The direction of force is 88.2 º above the horizontal.
Squaring and adding  Fcos(Q) = m v2/r  and  Fsin(Q) = mg ;
Therefore F= 424,42 Newton
Therefore the magnitude of the force is 424,42 Newton and 88,2 º above the horizontal.
If T increases, v will decrease so F will also decrease.

Is the answer properly stated?
– Yes, units are convenient because we found force’s unit as Newton and tetha’s unit as ‘degree’as we guessed.
Is the answer reasonable?
– Yes all values are logical because for a 42 kg object and 25 m radius of ferris wheel the magnitude of the force as 424.42 newton is reasonable. Tetha is also in the sama vein.
Is the answer complete?
– Yes.


        For the format of problem solving strategy the worksheet given and the online document below is used.

        For the physical solution of the problem Young & Freedman (12th edition) is used as a guide.

Problem: After a tiring week, you want to do entertaining activities in weekend then call your boyfriend. He suggest to play with his remote-control car with mass 1.60kg which you gived to him as a birthday gift last weekend. Then you accept the proposal.  When you play with the car you realized that it moves at a constant speed of 12.0 m/s. Then you decide to make a metal cylinder that has a radius of 5.00m from your boyfriend’s small fry to make the play more entertaining.  After that you put the car in this vertical circle inside a hollow metal cylinder. Car turns in the cylinder a lot of times then your boyfriend wonder how the car do not drop from the top point. At that time, you decide to explain him firstly the magnitude of the normal force exerted on the car by the walls of the cylinder at the bottom of the vertical circle. After that you want to answer his question by finding the magnitude of the normal force again but this time at the top of the vertical circle. Do it! :)


Construct a mental image:
Described objects – Car and a hollow metal cylinder
Initial situation – Car is at the bottom
Final situation – Car is at the top
How do the objects move or change? – Car moves at a constant speed in circle.
Are there interactions between the objects? – Forces between the hollow metal cylinder and the car.

Sketch a picture : Are all the important objects, times, motions and interactions shown in the sketch? – Yes.

Determine the question:
A) What is the magnitude of the normal force exerted on the car by the walls of the cylinder at point B(bottom)?
B) What is the magnitude of the normal force exerted on the car by the walls of the cylinder at point T(top)?

Summarize useful given information:

What information do we really need? – We need m of car, r of path, speed of car and acceleration due to gravity.

What information don’t we need? – We need all information given in the problem to solve it.

Is there any information we can reasonably infer? – No

Select a qualitative approach for describing the motion and interactions of objects:

Which physics principles could be used in solving this problem?
        Vertical Circular Motion ; Weight and Normal Force, No Radial Force Components.

Are there any special conditions required in order to use these principles?

Is all the necessary information given to use this approach?

Would it be useful to break the problem into two or more simpler sub-problems?
        Yes, because it has two sub-parts principally.


Construct motion diagrams to show important space and time relationships of each object.
What coordinate axes are useful?
– Y vertical
Are other diagrams necessary?
– No.

Assign specific symbols to the variables in diagrams and defined the variables, specifying knowns and unknowns.

Declare target variable.
Which of the unknowns must be determined to answer the question? – centripetal acceleration must be determined.

State general quantitative principles and relations.
What general relationships hold between the variables described in the diagrams?


Construct specific equations:


Check for sufficiency:

Three unknowns and three equations.

Outline the math solution:

Solve third equation then by using it solve first and second equations.



Is the answer properly stated?
– Yes, units are convenient because we found forces’ unit as Newton as we guessed.
Is the answer reasonable?
– Yes all values are logical because for a 1.60 kg object and 5.0 m radius of cylinder the magnitude of the force as 61.8 and 30.4 newton is reasonable.
Is the answer complete?
– Yes.


        For the format of problem solving strategy the worksheet given and the online document below is used.

        For the writing a context rich problem the websites below are used as a guide.

        For the skeleton of the problem Young & Freedman (12th edition) is used as a guide.
